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BIPOC Resources

This page provides an overview of BIPOC understanding in our communities. Click here for in-depth BIPOC resources for Educators, Parents, Teens, and Kids!

Short Films

Educational videos to further understand topics of racism and anti-racism.

"YYC Colours is a documentary that is created to start discussions about racism in Calgary and Canada in general. The goal is to have people view the film and start having honest conversations about racism and privilege in our society. The subject of race can be very touchy, but if we as a society don't engage in the conversation and understand the problem, racism will never end.Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racist behaviour can be not just overt, such as treating some people according to their race or colour, but also covert, where society systematically treats groups according to some form of discriminating judgement.

YYC Colours - A Documentary About Racism in Calgary
By Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation

Explore our resource sections for EducatorsParents, Teens, and Kids!

Other Resources


Resources to help guide conversations surrounding diversity with your students.







Resources to help guide you through these tough conversations with your kids surrounding diversity.


For parents with kids
ages 8 and under.




Resources to help you explore what diversity means in the context our society.


For Jr. and Sr. High Students.




Explore what diversity means and how you can help make the world a fair place.


For Elementary Students.




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